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Tekken 8 Characters – Fighter’s Roster | GG Fellas



Tekken 8 characters

Tekken 8 was released on January 26, 2024, and was published for PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S. Tekken 8 characters consist of 32 players in total but more characters are said to join in the King of Ironfist tournament in the coming months.

There are lots of new mods available for us to play and Tekken 8 characters are never seen in this detail before. There are many old Tekken 8 characters which we can see but there are 3 new entries included in the list of Tekken 8 Characters.

Tekken 8 Characters

Tekken 8 characters are added in the game like never before with everyone with a specific story and ending in arcade mode. Let us jot down each and every Tekken 8 Character with details about their ability.

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Tekken 8 Characters
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Kazuya Mishima

He is a cold-blooded antagonist in Tekken. Unlike his father and son who are the main protagonists in the Game. Using the devil’s power, he went to dominate the world he defeated his father and eliminated Mishima Zaibatsu who divided the world into 2 groups. Upon putting sanctions on G corporation, he unlived the Leaders who imposed the sanctions on him.

Jin Kazama

Although Jin has an evil bloodline, he wants to end that cruelty and holds the operation against his own father Kazuya Mishima. He is the strongest participant in the series and learned Karate from his mother and Mishima himself.


King belongs to Mexico and his style of fighting is Pro Wrestling. Although this beast looks dangerously wicked the story is completely opposite with him running an orphanage on the side. He is the champion in the Wrestling world but there are other fighting styles as well so he needs to defeat everyone and become the best. This is how he is going to earn funds for the orphanage.

Jun Kazama

She belongs to Japan and her style of fighting is Traditional Kazama style Martial arts. She is the mother of Jin Kazama and is a wildlife surveillance officer. She can connect with animals from a very young age. She met Kazuya who smuggled Endangered animals and became pregnant with Jin. She raised Jin in a remote mountainous area.

Paul Phoenix

This hot-blooded destroyer belongs to the USA. His fighting Style is Integrated Martial Arts which is based on Judo karate. He is on his journey in the King of Ironfist tournament to become the best among all but he got suspended because his organizer disappears out of nowhere. He trained with his friend Marshall Law to prepare for the tournament next time.

Marshall law

This legendary Dragon belongs to the USA and knows Martial Arts to its perfection. He fell into debt because of his son’s accident with a motorcycle. He had to stop his training and this made him so poor that nothing but winning a prize from The King of Ironfist tournament was the only option left.


He is a High-Tech Annihilator whose nationality is Unknown. He has Sheer Force in him to fight well against his opponents. He is G corporation’s prototype humanoid weapon. Jane was saved by Jack so he helped G corporations to make J series of Humanoids. He is one of the stronest robot among Tekken 8 Characters.

Lars Alexandersson

He belongs to Sweden and he has learned Tekken Force Martial Arts. He has one of the best combos in the Tekken 8. He is actually the illegitimate son of Mishima and the leader of a rebellious army which is against G force.

Ling Xiaoyu

Ling Xiaoyu is q Chinese and is an expert in Baguazhang, Piguazhang-based martial arts. She has a secret crush on Jin Kazama and she does her best to find the missing Jin in the Mishima Zaibatsu building. She also wanted to know something from Jin and this journey made her even stronger.

Nina Williams

She is an expert in Assassination arts as her fighting style is so good that she is known to be a professional killer and Silent Assassin. Kazuya made her commander of G Corporation forces.

Leroy Smith

Is the Grandmaster of Drip with a unique style of fighting called Wing Chun. He saved New York City from many gangs. When he knew Mishima Zaibatsu was involved in attacking New York he took part in the King of Ironfist tournament to finish them.

Asuka Kazama

She is a very famous Mediator. She is from Japan and expert in Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts. She once defeated a heiress Lili in The King of Ironfist tournament. She was being followed everywhere.


She is a rich heiress from Manaco and despite her brought up being so classy and rich, she is a self-taught fighter. She has private jets that fly her around the globe to learn and defeat her eternal enemy which is Asuka Kazama. Asuka defeated Lili twice in the King of Ironfist tournament.

Bryan Fury

Bryan is one of the talented kickboxers from the USA. He obtained a perpetual generator and got unlimited source of energy. This made him so strong that he started using it for bad things and came under the eyes of Global Police organizations. Something hit him to become a good person and fight terrorism.


He is South Korean. He is just as capable as Jin Kazama. He had a draw match with Jin Kazama since that day he considered Jin as his opponent. He once defeated Jin and claimed his place but disappeared for a while.

Claudio Serafino

He is a leader of Sirius Marksmen. Sirius Marksmen are a group who do Exorcism and banish evil. Claudio is the most powerful among all the exorcists.


She is from Peru and expert in Mixed Martial Arts. Her full name is Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo. She is also called Coffee Queen. She is an MMA champion and a new addition to the Tekken 8 Characters.


He is a Shadow agent whose nationality is unknown. He is an expert at Ninjitsu and has been given many missions by the UN.


He is a seeker of truth from Germany. He is an expert in the Bajiquan Style of fighting. He is a very famous Archaeologist. He is on a mission to know the reasons and people behind Emma Klisen’s death.

Steve Fox

He is from the United Kingdom and an expert in Boxing Style. He is mid mid-weight Boxer and a world Champion on his journey to find his real parents because he was always taken care of and raised by Mishima Zaibatsu.


Kuma is Mishima’s pet and a member of Mishima Zaibatsu’s special forces called Tekken Force. He is always ready to aid in disaster places and due to his professionalism, he always wins people’s attention and heart.


He is inherent of the Manji Clan. An investor hired him to find archives that have data about the past of Mishima Zaibatsu. When he found there were strange negative powers that drove Yoshimitsu into bloodlust and negative doings.


She is one of the 3 new Tekken 8 characters and she is a student of Mishima Polytechnical School. Although she knows Kazuya and Jin no one knows who she is.

Victor Chevalier

He is the founder of the UN’s Independent forces. He is descended from the distinguished knights. He has a good nature for helping the poor. He is a new Among Tekken 8 characters.


Panda is the pet and most trusted bodyguard of Lin Xiaoyu. She has an independent slot in Tekken 8. Her fighting style is the same as Kuma but she helps Lin Xiaoyu in her quest to find Jin Kazama.

Feng Wei

He is a Chinese Martial artist and is very cruel as he killed his master for just scolding him. He is on his journey to become the top fighter and has destroyed many dojos.

Lee Chaolan

Lee Chaolan is the eldest son of Heihachi Mishima. He also goes by the name of Violet. He is a millionaire as he is the CEO of Violet Systems. He is a playboy by personality.

Alisa Bosconovitch

Alisa is a robot. She is a fan-favorite android created by Doctor Bosconovitch on the basis of his late daughter. She is the most liked Robot among Tekken 8 characters.

Sergei Dragunov

He is a very goth-looking gentleman who belonged in the Russian Military and served very well. He is also known as the “White Angel of Death” for many reasons. He is a courageous fighter and has a deep hatred for Reven.

Devil Jin

Devil Jin is a dark devilish side of Jin Kazama but he is presented as a separate playable character in Tekken 8.


She is a spiritual master who was introduced in Tekken 6. She is expert at fighting with her Azazel’s Power on her left hand.


He appeared in Tekken 7. He was there to Infiltrate the G Corporation. He was involved in suspecting foul playing and came to know Kazuya was behind the mess.

Tekken 8 Characters
Source ( Marazulseguros )

Read More about Tekken 8 Ranks In order (Rank-list) -GG Fellas – GG Fellas


In this blog, we presented detailed information about the Tekken 8 Characters and we also highlighted the main story of each and every character. Do not forget to tell us about your top choices in the comments. Also, tell us whom you would choose as your guardian in case of an apocalypse.

Who is expected to make an entry in Tekken 8 DLC ?

Some characters from Tekken 7 including Eddy are Expected to return in Tekken 8 DLCs.

Faiza is a prodigy in gaming world when it comes to be one of the most enthusiastic players of fighting games. She likes to play Tekken and Mortal Kombat. She is not only into playing games, but also a renowned blogger.

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Games and Tech News

All About Infinity Nikki, The Fashion Diva, Is Coming Soon



All About Infinity Nikki

Infinity Nikki and her cat friend Momo are on a dreamy adventure in a mythical world of fashion and challenges. We will talk about this game’s plot, gameplay, and secrets. A BOTW alum produces Infinity Nikki. It has Zelda-like elements and cute art because the ex-Nintendo director has worked on this project.

The beautiful pastel world of the 80s with the modern touch of fashion and cuteness got this game all the attention. The gameplay trailer of Infinity Nikki is showcased in the latest broadcast of The State of Play 2024.

Infinity Nikki
image by IGN Pakistan

Infinity Nikki Plot

There is a race to collect more and more suits and crafts to make a complete suit. Nikki, with her friend cat Momo, is on a mission to obtain a dress that saves the world once it has the greatest magic, and she will finally become the greatest stylist. On her journey, she finds mythical creatures and has to complete quests to obtain the suit at the end of the game.

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Infinity Nikki Gameplay

The game seems to be just a dress-up and outfit choice game, but this fairy world of Nikki and her friend’s cat, Momo, is much more than that. Infinity Nikki is a cross-platform RPG that features dress-up adventure and exploration.

image by PlayStation.Blog

The exploration takes place all over the world, and the quests are challenging. The outfits actually have powers, and specific outfits retain specific powers in them that unleash the ability to help Nikki explore. Nikki has to wander to unique and breathtaking places with flawless outfits to find infinity.

The path she has to go through is adventurous and fun-filled. The actual gameplay is about Nikki using the power in the dress she chose to wear to collect the parts of suits and materials for her outfits to add to her closet collection. The game has other features, like catching fish and bugs for crafting purposes. The game also provides a photoshoot feature with various angles for the purpose of styling battles.

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The game Infinity Nikki is translated into English, Chinese, and Japanese. This is the 5th addition to the Nikki Up2U Series. The game will launch soon, and we hope there will be no bugs. The game will be more famous among teens and girls, and the industry has never failed to involve children and women in gaming, which is a good marketing strategy and inclusion.

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Games and Tech News

State of Play 2024 by Sony all the Major Announcements



State of Play 2024

State of Play is a broadcast fest by Sony that reveals the trailers for new games, gives updates on older games, and announces many other news about games that come under the Sony umbrella. The games that Sony has to put on the PC are also announced here in the State of Play. State of Play 2024 is happening for the third time this year and the latest State of Play broadcast was packed with good news we are here to direct you towards all the important news by State of Play 2024.

State of Play 2024 Major Announcements

The first gameplay Trailer for the Concord has been released. The gameplay for Concord was detailed after the cutscenes and the vibrant characters have been shown which we will be using in the game. Concord is a multiplayer RPG that encourages social play. Concord will be launched for PC and PS5 on 23rd August 2024.

Dynasty Warriors Origins Will Be Coming in 2025.

State of Play 2024
image by Gematsu

Omega force-owned game Dynasty Warriors is back with a new patch called Dynasty Warrior Origins. This game is a hack-and-slash RPG series and this time there will be a Warrior-type battlefield with 3 kingdoms chaos. The armies will be better and more humongous this time.

God of War Ragnarok is Coming to PC

State of Play 2024 came with the good news for PC gamers that God of War Ragnarok is coming to PC.

Read More About God of War Ragnarok is Coming to PC – GG fellas – GG Fellas

Infinity Nikki is Getting a Beta Test in 2024

Infinity Nikki will be beta-tested this year as announced in the State of Play 2024. The game is an open-world RPG. This game is actually a dress-up makeover adventure game. Nikki and her friend Momo will be on a world tour to explore the nations they land in.

State of Play 2024
image by Youtube

Were Winds Meet is Going to Be Released for PlayStation 5.

The martial arts RPG  was announced on Gamescom opening Night 2023. The game was set in a 10 Kingdom era and the player’s decision will decide the outcome. According to the State of Play 2024, this game will join PS 5.

Ballad of Antara Will Be Released Next Year

The game is a high-fidelity action role-playing game. This game is free to play and has a dark fantasy. The Ballad of Antara will be released anytime in 2025.

Behemoth the New VR Game

Skydance game is launching its new project called Behemoth. The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners developer announced this new VR game. The game takes place in the Forsaken Lands. This land was the great civilization and was made into a barren land. The player has to kill the foes and know a lot of secrets about that forsaken land once a great civilization. The game will be released somewhere near October.

Other Announcements by State of Play 2024.

  • Marvel Rivals is also coming to PS5. It is a shooting game with a player Vs player setting. The exact date was not released but the good news is still there.
  • Until Dawn was announced at the start of this year and finally got a new trailer. The game will hopefully be released at the end of this year.
  • Path of Exile will also be released at this year’s end. After the new gameplay trailer, the game will be released in late 2024.
  • Silent Hill 2 Remake has a Release date of 8th October 2024 for PC and PS5.

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State of Play 2024 has announced a lot of other news as well including Alien: Rouge Incrusion is out this holiday. State of Play 2024 latest broadcast was about 30 minutes long and we would suggest you listen to this broadcast if anyone the news is missing.

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Games and Tech News

God of War Ragnarok is Coming to PC – GG fellas



God of War Ragnarok

God of War is the most anticipated action and adventure RPG of the time. This game was developed by Santa Monica Studios and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment a long time ago for PS4 and PS5, etc. God of War Ragnarok is coming to PC, and that’s the great news we have today.

The game was initially released in 2022 for PS4 and PS5, as stated previously. The game is very famous among PC gamers, and many bought a PS5 for this masterpiece.

Read More About Top 5 announcements from Warhammer Skulls event 2024 (

The game is about a God and his son dealing with mythical creatures to achieve the goal. This game is exclusive to PlayStation, and it will now be available on Windows or PC.

God of War Ragnarok background

God of War Ragnarok takes place on nothern Earth. With a third-person perspective, this game also gives over-the-shoulder control. God of War Ragnarok is a single-player game in which the son always gives a helping hand, but it is computer-controlled and managed, which means you have to take care of this little godson as well.

God of War Ragnarok
image by Radio Times

The game is the selling first-party RPG in Playstation history. The game sold about 5.1 million copies in just the first week. Sony has a long history of releasing Playstation-exclusive games on PC after a few years. Following are the famous Triple-A games Sony launched on PC after Playstation.

  • The Last of Us Part 1
  • Horizon Forbidden West
  • Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
  • Sucker Punch’s
  • Ghost of Tsushima

The reason for such blessings on PC gamers is nothing but a few extra million dollars that never hurt anyone. Microsoft also does the same thing of releasing its console-exclusive masterpieces to PC gamers for extra money. These tactics are beneficial to both the industry and PC gamers, who get everything without even buying expensive consoles.

I read somewhere about PC gamers that they are the most Loyal and smart ones. The point is not to see what’s behind Sony releasing the God of War Ragnarok but to give a piece of good news to PC gamers that their magnetic is working perfectly fine. More good news is on the way to PC gamers. Helldivers 2 is about to be launched on PC and PS5, as well as with a cross-play system.

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We will keep you updated on the State of Play broadcast as well; for now, it is time to show the dear audience some cool images of the God of War Ragnarok. The State of Play Fest will come with a lot of news about new games and updates, so keep yourself updated.

God of War Ragnarok
image by

When will God of War Ragnarok come on PC

September 19th, 2024

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